3 Ways To Grow taller
People cannot control most of the factors that influence their height. This is because DNA determines these factors, and they cannot change.
However, there are some factors that can increase height growth during childhood and puberty.
Growing children and teenagers can take some ways to maximize their adult height.
These factors include:
1. Ensuring good nutrition
Nutrition plays a very critical role in growth. Children without good nutrition may not be as tall as children with adequate nutrition.
Children and teenagers should be eating a varied, balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. This will ensure that they get all the vitamins and minerals they need to thrive.
Protein and calcium are particularly important for bone health and growth.
2. Getting enough sleep
Sleep promotes growth and development in children and teenagers. During deep sleep, the body releases the hormones it needs to grow. Getting enough sleep may therefore allow optimal growth.
Not getting enough sleep over a long period of time may interfere with healthy growth, cause other health problems, and impair the ability of the child to focus, learn, and participate in life.
3. Getting regular exercise
Regular exercise is important for proper physical development, as it supports the health of bones and muscle tissues.
For instance, playing outside or playing sports can make bones healthier, denser, and stronger. Exercise is therefore beneficial for everyone, including growing children and people who are pregnant.